PODCAST: Yeshua in Context—The Sower Part 1

Okay, I’m new at this Podcast thing. There is a way to do it directly on wordpress, but I have some uncertainty about file size. If anyone is way in the know about GarageBand, podcasting, and wordpress, email me at derekblogger@gmail.com

Do me a favor if you can and are willing. Open your iTunes and search “Yeshua in Context.” You will find my podcast there. Subscribe or download it to your iPod and give it a positive rating. It can only be a good thing to promote Messianic Jewish podcasts on iTunes.

Have you ever wondered what the parables of Yeshua mean? They seem to be the hardest parts of the Bible to understand. What was helpful for me was to put it all in the context of Yeshua’s time and the expectations people had about the rule of God on earth (the kingdom). What did people expect? How did Yeshua’s parables relate to those expectations? What is the message in our time? In part 1, we explore the interpretation and implications of Mark 4:1-20.

Click here for Yeshua in Context: The Sower, Part 1.

About Derek Leman

IT guy working in the associations industry. Formerly a congregational rabbi. Dad of 8. Nerd.
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2 Responses to PODCAST: Yeshua in Context—The Sower Part 1

  1. judahgabriel says:

    Cool, Derek, welcome to the podcasting world. :-)

    If I may make a suggestion: rather than reading from a script, how about going off-the-cuff, occassionally, and speak from heart or experience? My only negative comment was that the whole thing felt very scripted, like listening to a sermon. Podcasts aren’t sermons.

  2. Judah:

    Thanks, actually. Though your critique stings it is the wound of a friend. I don’t know the expectations for a Podcast. I am somewhat used to the academic world where precision really counts. So, if you hadn’t had the chutzpah to tell me, it would have been something that maybe made people less interested. Wouldn’t want that.

    I will use an outline instead of a script for future installments.


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