Problems with Messianic Judaism on the Fringe

I know today is Thanksgiving and we’re all thinking about turkeys and football and family. But I have just a little suspicion some folks are going to be on their usual computer reading lists today at some point, eager to keep up those blog-reading rituals and keep the ideas and information flowing.

Anyway, if not, maybe you’ll be reading this after Thanksgiving and either one works for me.

My thoughts this morning are on a few troubling stories that I have run across. One is about a group forming online support for the “Messianic” community worldwide. Yet as I look into the group there seems to be no definition of “Messianic” that relates in any way to actual Jewish life. The other is a bitter email I received from someone who explained to me they left the Messianic Jewish movement because they viewed it as a Christ-less religion.

In various ways, these stories which sadden me all relate to Messianic Judaism at the fringes.

Unfortunately, the fringes have a lot more people involved in them than the core.

You see “Messianic Judaism” is a catch-all for a vague and general idea that attracts millions: the Jewish cultural context of the Bible virtually ignored in Christendom for millennia. Millions of Christians of all stripes and persuasions, from the Catholic and Orthodox Christian world to the Protestant, Evangelical, and Charismatic world are hungry to know more about Jesus the Rabbi.

You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to realize that Jesus is Jewish and that Christianity has been sweeping that under the rug for far too long. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not jumping on the anti-Christianity bandwagon. Far from it. I enjoy worship in and with Christians of most varieties. I can lay aside my Siddur and daven with the Baptists, moderate Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, and so on. I can also hang with the Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and maybe even Reconstructionist synagogues.

Nonetheless, the Christian history of neglect for the Jewishness of Jesus has left a massive void. Even people with little Bible knowledge realize this in some way and think looking at Jesus as a rabbi is cool. I don’t blame anyone for having a hunger to discover Passover and the tallit because of their Jesus-faith. It is a good thing.

But many “Messianic Jewish” groups are simply Christians confused about who they are, who Israel is, and what God is doing in these times with his people Israel.

Messianic Judaism at the core is about Jews and Gentiles who come alongside these Jews to be part of God’s work in the remnant of Israel. We believe that God is calling Jewish people to faith in Messiah within Judaism. We believe the idea of Jewish conversion to Christianity is a sad distortion based on a poor reading of the New Testament. God says in the New Testament that Gentiles need not become Jews to have Jesus-faith. Yet, sadly, people are convinced that Jews must become Gentiles to have Jesus-faith. Messianic Judaism at the core is a Judaism for Yeshua (Jesus).

Messianic Judaism at the fringes is filled with great people deluded by a variety of ideas. I will list a few of the most popular ones:

1. (Myth #1) Christianity is a false Greek and Roman perversion of the true faith which must be brought back to its Hebraic roots. (The kernel of truth here is that Christians need to get in touch with Jewish origins, but not in the sense of becoming Jewish in lifestyle.)

2. (Myth #2) The early Church was Jewish and we need to abandon modern churches to return to a purer form of Jesus-faith which is Jewish in expression. (Truth: The early Church in Jerusalem was Jewish, but Gentile expressions grew up through the mission of Paul and the apostles.)

3. (Myth #3) Since the Church has virtually ignored the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), we need an expression of faith that speaks less about Yeshua (Jesus) and more about the Old Testament. (Truth: Thus, out of some misguided loyalty to the Old Testament, some Messianic Jewish fringe groups try to talk about Yeshua less and the Old Testament more.)

4. (Myth #4) Since I, as a Gentile, have been grafted in to Israel (or since I am a child of Abraham now), I must relate to God as part of Israel. (Truth: The New Testament is careful to distinguish Jews and Gentiles while giving Gentiles the good news they have been brought into the promises without taking over the identity.)

5. (Myth #5) My love for Jewish things is likely evidence I am from one of the Ten Lost Tribes. (Truth: The tribes were not exactly lost and even if you had Israelite blood from thousands of years ago mixed with many generations since, how would that make you Israelite?)

6. (Myth #6) I cannot worship in a place with pagan practices such as Christmas, so the Messianic Jewish movement is all I have. (Truth: The so-called pagan roots of Christmas are exaggerated by teachers who have a vested interest in getting you to follow them.)

I could probably sit here all morning thinking of more and more myths driving the masses away from churches and into so-called Messianic Jewish groups and synagogues.

To paraphrase a friend’s great line: silly, self-defined Messianic Judaism is not worth having.

In the email I received from a person who said his seven years in Messianic Judaism was a Christ-less time, I thought about several things. First, did the synagogue he attended de-emphasize Yeshua in order to appear to be more Jewish? If so, how sad. I prefer to think of our relationship to Yeshua as comparable to Chabad’s exuberant passion for Messiah. We do not need to hide Yeshua to appear more Jewish. We need to be more passionate about Yeshua to be more MESSIANIC Jewish. Second, was this person in the Messianic movement for the wrong reason? If they had been in Messianic Judaism because of a real love for Jewish people and a desire to be part of what God is doing in Israel in the last days, then maybe they would have stuck it out or tried to find a place that better represented Yeshua.

And that all leads me to a few pieces of advice for Gentiles who realize they are part of fringe Messianic Judaism and not the real thing.

1. Are you in this for the right reasons?

2. If you bought into one of the myths above, please re-evaluate your commitment. It is likely that a good, Bible-teaching, people-serving church is the best place for you. If Christmas bothers you so much, skip out on that. You may have a great place helping people in the churches understand the Jewishness of Jesus.

3. If you are in this for the wrong reasons, but you have found yourself growing in love for Israel and Jewish people, maybe you need to find a Messianic synagogue that is actually about Judaism and Messiah. It helps if you live in a place with Jewish people. I get emails all the time from people in Timbuktu wondering how they can be Messianic Jewish. A big tip is this: be in the Jewish community. If you are not in the Jewish community, you are not really Messianic Jewish. Don’t be satisfied with a fringe group because at least they avoid some of the things you don’t like about churches. Find the real thing.

Messianic Judaism is not an alternative to the Church. Messianic Judaism is a movement within Judaism formed by God and expressing in word and deed a Jewish faith in Yeshua. There is a place for Gentiles in Messianic Judaism. I believe God said that many Gentiles would be attracted to Israel and to be part of God’s work within Israel. Some want to be involved from within and some Christians from their churches will want to be supportive from without. It is all good. But identity confusion and the strange belief that Christianity is somehow pagan have nothing to do with real Messianic Judaism.

About Derek Leman

IT guy working in the associations industry. Formerly a congregational rabbi. Dad of 8. Nerd.
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12 Responses to Problems with Messianic Judaism on the Fringe

  1. Derek:

    2. (Myth #2) The early Church was Jewish and we need to abandon modern churches to return to a purer form of Jesus-faith which is Jewish in expression. (Truth: The early Church in Jerusalem was Jewish, but Gentile expressions grew up through the mission of Paul and the apostles.)

    I think a lot of people feel betrayed by the actions of the church as it pulled away from the original teachings and practices of Judaism. Once you start investigating the Hebrew roots it is an eye opening experience.

    I was watching a show last night that touched on the importance of the pomegranate. The crown when mashed down forms the Star of David. The seeds represent 613 laws of the Torah. To me that is exciting!

    We start to question why this information is suppressed. Even the holidays of the Bible are ignored.

    When I began going to the JCC I learned about Shavuot. Why does the church not recognize this holiday? Millions are spent to get the 10 Commandments on a courthouse- and yet those persons pushing for it are unaware of Shavuot.

    The answer over and over is “By faith ye are saved.” To me that is not enough!

    There needs to be a healing across the entire spectrum of believers in Yeshua. Should churches be shut down? No. I do not believe there is a universal advocate of closing a church door. I personally enjoy some of the beautiful traditions that come from the Church like Southern Gospel Music. One of my favorite albums is Peace in the Valley sung by Elvis and another by Andy Griffith. I do not want to give that up. It is a nice tradition.

    I believe we should be humble before Messiah and show the world through our actions- why we choose Messianic Judaism and why we are Jews by Choice. I also believe as Messianic Jews we need to get rid of this superiority complex that festers in our community. We do not have all the answers. We need to reach across to all our brethren. We are on the same side. We want to please G-d. We want Messiah to return.

    I would write more but the turkey is getting to me.

    ‘Nuff said.

  2. judahgabriel says:

    I also see some problems with Messianic Judaism, but not the ones you see, Derek.

    Your post, especially advice #2, reads to me as, “If you do not understand Messianic Judaism to be Derek Leman’s Messianic Judaism, please go somewhere else. Go to church for all I care.”

    I will write a blog post in the coming weeks on this.


  3. Judah:


    But, my brother, while you and I have some minor disagreements as to philosophy of MJ, the truth is you are in MJ for the right reasons. You have an abiding love for Israel and a desire to see God’s work among his Chosen remnant. I didn’t say that you have to agree with me about the nature of rabbinic tradition (although it helps). :-)

    So, for whatever it’s worth, advice #2 is not a message to Judah Gabriel to “get out and don’t let the door hit your tuches on the way out.”


  4. Toma4moshiach:

    You are really agreeing with me. I did not mean in myth #2 that Christendom is without fault. Anything human is faulty. And, yes, the abandonment of Israel in the theology of Christianity is a fault. The reinterpretation of the Bible as a book about the Church is a fault. But what would have been the right course?

    In my mind, and I think you agree, the Church did not have an obligation to be Jewish in practice. The Church had an obligation to imitate God’s love for Israel, interpret scripture accurately, and to form its culture with certain aspects of Biblical culture in mind (my biggest example of this would be Passover, which I believe the Church should be commemorating annually).


  5. judahgabriel says:

    Derek, I want to write so much, but I know you hate long blog comments. I’ll keep this short as I can, just for your sake. ;)

    I’m glad you’ll let me remain in MJ. ;-)

    But I believe in or sympathize with many of the myths you mention!

    For example, I do believe Christianity today, especially the Roman Church, is way off from the faith of the apostles. We just had a young Lebanese Catholic man at our Torah study this past shabbat — and all I can say is, wow! Do we come from different worlds!

    I don’t believe there are 2 legitimate, distinct entities called “The Church” and Israel. I think there’s only Israel. Gentiles are grafted in.

    When it comes to church, I am not a church-basher, but I do have real concerns about it — entertainment-as-worship, teachings exclusively from Paul, a negative approach to Torah, to name a few. And yes, I cringe when there are Christmas trees or Easter eggs in a church.

    FWIW, I’m often pro-rabbinic tradition. My younger brother in Israel is probably the most pro-rabbinic believer in Messiah you’ll ever meet! :-) So I am against rabbinic tradition only when it’s in contrast to Scripture or when it’s a burden to keeping God’s commandments. (Example: I believe the rabbinic traditions regarding meat-and-dairy are a superfluous burden.)

    Anyways. That’s my spiel. Maybe I’ll write a blog post as a full answer to yours.

    Shalom bro.

  6. Gene Shlomovich says:

    Judah… you wrote:

    “I don’t believe there are 2 legitimate, distinct entities called “The Church” and Israel. I think there’s only Israel. Gentiles are grafted in.”

    While I do view what is called today “The Church” as not exactly the original intent of Yeshua (far from it), it’s seems that the NT scriptures do indeed speak about a wider Body of Messiah. This Body, the Ekklesia, is not synonymous with the nation of Israel, but it does include Israel within it. Therefore, Israel is at the same time both distinct from AND part of Ekklesia.

    To say that Ekklesia is Israel seems very much in line with classic Replacement theology. Not to mention that the scriptures NEVER EVER identify Gentile believers in the wider Body as Israel. BTW, the classic RT doesn’t claim that Gentiles replaced the Jews either – it TOO says that the New Israel is composed of BOTH Jews AND Gentiles. They too reject any future plans for the SEPARATE ethnic Israel (where Jews are the majority, with Gentiles living among them as equals).


  7. handmaiden4him says:

    Somebody comment on Gene’s post! I’m confused! It’s a good one but hard to understand!
    I like Sid Roth’s comment.The scripture says “In Christ (messiah)
    “Gal.3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
    Gal 3:29 And if you are Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. ”
    After Sid read this scripture, he said, “As I look out over the audience, I see male and female, probably there are some Jewish people mixed in with those that are not Jewish by birth, there’s people from all kinds of backgrounds and so this is not a literal statement.”
    He said this to illustrate the fact that there are those that try to minimize our differences. There is a difference between the Torah observant commonwealth of Israel and the non-Torah observant 21st century church. There is a difference between male and female…and on and on. It’s usually people who want to say that we don’t need to obey God’s laws in the Torah because they equate “law” with yesterday’s newspaper. They say, “We are no longer under the law,” (ie., old news). The fact is we all come from different backgrounds and we are male and female and we are Jewish or we are not, but Yeshua fulfilled the law and accepted us and cleansed us with the outpouring of the Ruach Chodesh, so we are complete in Him. We can learn to be God’s children according to His word and His Spirit. I don’t see any conflict just children learning to get along with each other that have the same daddy.
    Howard Morgan says that there are four reconciliations. The first reconciliation is that of the church to her Jewish roots; the second is the church to the Jewish people; the third is the Jewish people to their Messiah; and the fourth is the Messiah to planet earth. (quoting Dr. Morgan)
    Blessings in Messiah Yeshua!

  8. Steve Wilson says:

    New to the blog but I wanted to give my 2 cents.

    Just as there are errors & false teaching in the protestant denominations, so too in others. From my experiences a lot of people have been burned by false teachers in MJ so they reject anything anything that they learned, even tho these truths are undeniable in scripture – its that once bitten, twice shy effect. With that said, we started observing the sabbath before we even knew what ‘messianic’ was on our own. When I heard the term ‘messianic’ I thought it was referring to all believers because He was and is the Messiah. Anyway we saw the sabbath in the OT, NT & in the writings of the prophets that showed it & the feasts are still going on in the past, present & in the New Millennium. So why we started observing them & studying scripture on our own. It wasn’t till later did we learn others did the same who took up the label ‘messianic’. The key thing is that we must test everything, hold on to what is good & only do what He convicts us to do.

    Unfortunately many see this ‘obedience’ as a curse of being ‘under the law’ but we have only experienced freedom and blessing. If you do these things for the wrong reason, then of course its not what He wants. The focus should be on the Messiah & the relationship we have with Him. If it becomes a burden or a chore or demeans Him, etc then something is wrong.

    Anyway here are thoughts about the myths & what I have experienced

    1. (Myth #1) Christianity is a false Greek and Roman perversion of the true faith which must be brought back to its Hebraic roots. (The kernel of truth here is that Christians need to get in touch with Jewish origins, but not in the sense of becoming Jewish in lifestyle.)

    * If you start trying to be ‘jewish’ and saying ‘oi vey’ all the time, your probably missing the mark. Its not about race, its about relationship. WTS there are many perversions in christianity that stifles our relationship & makes the church a spectator sport instead of an active living lifestyle of LIFE that the Creator gave us, how the Messiah walked & how He is our example.

    2. (Myth #2) The early Church was Jewish and we need to abandon modern churches to return to a purer form of Jesus-faith which is Jewish in expression. (Truth: The early Church in Jerusalem was Jewish, but Gentile expressions grew up through the mission of Paul and the apostles.)

    * I guess it depends on how you define ‘modern’ & ‘gentile expressions’. I tend to see thru study of pagan ways, traditions, etc that these ‘gentile expressions’ came directly from pagan ways & they did creep into ‘the church’ & changed it from a relational obedient life focused on the Messiah to a spectator sport that takes away an individual’s responsibility to study, grow, mature & preach the truth and give it to one person, the pastor. To say that these expressions came from Paul & apostles is lacking. Searching thru time we see the progression of pagan influence into the body of believers. So whatever that is worth. To me if the enemy replaces something of God’s its for a reason & most likely is not good for believers. Instead of believing & living in ignorance (which is what most denomination formats do) its good to study and see what has been added or taken away over time & why. Then pray & ask Him on what to do.

    3. (Myth #3) Since the Church has virtually ignored the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), we need an expression of faith that speaks less about Yeshua (Jesus) and more about the Old Testament. (Truth: Thus, out of some misguided loyalty to the Old Testament, some Messianic Jewish fringe groups try to talk about Yeshua less and the Old Testament more.)

    * I have seen where some ignore a majority of the NT & even claim the writings of Paul are heresy – easy to get confused & miss the life that is supposed to come from both the OT & NT together. For me and my family if a ‘teaching’ causes conflict with the OT, NT or writings of the prophets, then something is wrong because God is the same yesterday, today & forever. The whole bible is useful so to focus on one part versus the other shows something could be wrong.

    4. (Myth #4) Since I, as a Gentile, have been grafted in to Israel (or since I am a child of Abraham now), I must relate to God as part of Israel. (Truth: The New Testament is careful to distinguish Jews and Gentiles while giving Gentiles the good news they have been brought into the promises without taking over the identity.)

    * I kinda see what is being said – if your not ‘jewish’ don’t try to become ‘jewish’. However are we not grafted into Israel according to Romans 11 & other passages that reference, one flock, one body, one bride with one law? We also see in the end times/New Millennium/revelation that the gates mentioned there is no ‘gentile’ gate, so obviously God will show us what gate to use = no big deal. We also see in the temples of the past had an area for gentile believers. Do we not also see scriptures stating our citizenship is in heaven & that His kingdom is not of this world, that we are strangers in a strange land, that we are to be set apart? Yep. So with this one flock there will be one shepherd with one law/torah (instructions for life that God gave us to obey for our benefit). We see this in the OT where it states that God gave His instructions to both the native born & foreigners who followed Him; IOW its not just for ‘the jews’.

    5. (Myth #5) My love for Jewish things is likely evidence I am from one of the Ten Lost Tribes. (Truth: The tribes were not exactly lost and even if you had Israelite blood from thousands of years ago mixed with many generations since, how would that make you Israelite?)

    * Recently we have seen this myth more and more – some even state that if you are a christian then that means your from one of the lost tribes indicating & that race/bloodline are responsible for your coming to believe & follow God. This takes away from the freedom of choice that He gave all. It also goes against that the gospel when to Jew first, then the gentile. If this race card is pulled & only those of that bloodline can be saved then there is no need for the gospel to go to the gentiles in the first place. So many problem arise but its easy to see if you look. So instead of claiming one is an ‘ephraimite’ and make crazy claims, just follow God and His word. Paul said something about being circumcised of the heart, being a hearer & doer of His word. Revelation states that obeying His commandments AND having faith is required. Its following Him regardless of race, its about loving Him and doing what pleases the Father.

    6. (Myth #6) I cannot worship in a place with pagan practices such as Christmas, so the Messianic Jewish movement is all I have. (Truth: The so-called pagan roots of Christmas are exaggerated by teachers who have a vested interest in getting you to follow them.)

    * This myth seems misplaced because nowhere in scripture do we see any commands to observe or make up any holidays (holy day or special observances) on our own, or to ‘Christianize’ any pagan holy days. We DO see where God states that those who follow Him, both native born & foreign believers, are to NOT follow Him using the way/s of the pagans. There is TONS of facts in historical studies showing its not greatly exaggerated but its actual truth. Every origin of Easter & Christmas is pagan. As for ‘cannot worship in a place of pagan practices please consider these scriptures…

    Deuteronomy 12:28-32
    “28 Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God. 29 “When the Lord your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, 30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ 31 You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. 32 “Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.”

    then this…

    Exodus 23:24
    “24 You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely break down their sacred pillars.”

    then this…

    Jeremiah 10:2-4
    “2 Thus says the Lord: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple.” (reference to Christmas trees).

    You see the enemy is all about getting believers to NOT do what pleases the Father. Its no wonder we see this in Daniel 7:25…
    “25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.”

    The ‘changes times’ refers to God’s feasts & the law is obvious. So the enemy wants us to NOT observe the things God wants us to, which blesses us & he wants us to be disobedient = to continue in sin, to trample on the grace of God again & again & again. These scriptures and others along with studying the past & pagan ways, has resulted in God convicting me and my family to not participate in such things anymore. It does NOT mean I disfellowship or tell any one that celebrates christmas or easter they are going to hell, when invited to these things I have an answer for the hope & truth that is within me – then I get the opportunity to share the truth. It does mean its a personal conviction brought on by God and His word. Now God is loving and we were told of these things decades ago but we didn’t search the scriptures to see what His word said about these things. However God has His time for everyone, all I would ask is that people just be open to Him and His word & test everything. Hold to what is good and get rid of the dross.

    I also know that many years ago I did not know what I do today so its clear that we do search the scripture and hold fast to our Messiah and run the race to win because He is coming back.



  9. embers2flame says:

    I attended a MJ gathering for two years and was close with the rabbi/Pastor. These are my views on the whole movement.

    1. People talk about our God Jesus Christ as if he is only Jewish and many MJ forget he is also God and God has no Nationality. The problem with reinforcing Judaism is it creates and elitist mentality and division among the church the Gentiles are reminded they are Gentiles and the Jews make it clear they are the chosen people. This whole issue is Nationalism and nothing with truth. Thinks about it, if you are Italian or Greek or American and you get saved; well you have just been invited into a greater family and this family is not primarily Jewish but heavenly. After all the scripture says us Gentiles have been invited into the “commonwealth of Israel and not into National Israel, because to God being Jewish means ultimately nothing because what good is a Jew who is not saved!!! See my point? there are no privileges (other than a richer history and greater insight into biblical reference and understanding symbolism better in the New Testament ) to a Messianic Jew over a gentile in God’s eyes and if there were, God would be a respecter of persons and playing favorites. Messianic Jews Forget that part of the reason they were favored was not because they were such an obedient people but because of the friendship God had with Abraham and the promises he made to him. Was Abraham Jewish of course not he was a gentile with a promise .

    So messianic Judaism to me is really a gimmick, because before you are Jewish or Italian ( notice I didn’t say Christian! Why? Because being Jewish is a nationality but we have equated that with a religious connotation as though somehow being Jewish automatically makes you religious which it doesn’t!) you are a human under the curse and MJ emphasize nationalism more than the new Goal which is Christ-likeness which was meant to make you live free without the law, want proof read Galatians 3!

    2. The apostle warned that there was going to be a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof. Well messianic Judaism which is basically baptist or Pentecostal with a Jewish flag slapped on it and that’s what gave it away to me. MJ stresses a nation more than the point or its existence. In attempting to establish itself as unique it has swerved and taken on a very self-centered stance that says “We are Israelites!” As if that ever saved anyone. I left my culture and background to follow the messiah and Christ in his word and my life had never asked me to keep a feast and why??? Because these are all figures of the heavenly. The sabbath that MJ keep is not sinful if Kept but the problem is just that why keep something that religiously if it has been revealed that it was a figure of the rest in Christ! The MJ say because it is cultural and I have found that it’s because of a fear of living free without the Law. The Jew and I mean the true Jew, lives and breathes the law and when Christ freed them from the Law they are afraid to take it all the way and so cling to their traditions so that their lives and identities would not drastically change. Abraham had to leave family, identity, riches and culture in search of a new way and MJ won’t let their history take a backseat and discover their new identity in Christ.

    3. Lastly… Being a gentile I prize my freedom in Christ and acceptance that I have gained from Jesus OUR God and not just a rabbi! That is then the problem. MJ emphasize so much Israel that I find that Gentiles make the mistake of thinking I have to become Jewish to come closer to Christ! Baloney, some of the greatest pastors in history were closer to Christ than many Jewish believers. That is the issue here and the beef I have with denominations who say they are Jewish believers and bring nationalism into the church. The whole point of Jesus was to do away with cultural associations and national allegiances to embrace the heavenly identity. The mere fact the MJ are trying to establish their Jewishness gives a subtle indication to the gentile that we are not truly unified with the same Goal, because I still have to wear my keepah and I still have to sing in Hebrew, I still have to call the bible Torah and a Jesus is Yeshua and we observe the feasts but the gentile is basically left feeling that he has nothing because he is not Jewish, so what do they do they begin to wear stars of David and start using Jewish lingo all in order to feel like they have a closer affinity to Jesus when in reality his love for them was never based on any of those Elements.

    My advice to any gentile is that if you want to enjoy the rich history then fine but remember it is history there is much more ahead with Christ and holding on to old wineskins and old garments won’t lead you anywhere, unless your doing it to feel different than other Christians and wear a badge that you are closer to Jesus because you attend a Jewish church.

    The Lord that formed Israel and the rest of the WORLD bless you!

    • Haniel Chesed says:

      You say: “People talk about our God Jesus Christ as if he is only Jewish and many MJ forget he is also God …The problem with reinforcing Judaism is it creates and elitist mentality and division among the church the Gentiles are reminded they are Gentiles and the Jews make it clear they are the chosen people.”
      I find that hard to believe when they believe Yeshua, being the Son of God and of Man is God (Trinity). see:

  10. Pingback: Dangers of the Hebrew Roots movement | Unsealed Prophecy

  11. Thank you for your helpful thoughts shared. I will say more another time.

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