What the Heck, Michael Rood?

Just a little while ago, a staffer at Michael Rood’s organization tried to leave a comment here which was nothing but a link to entice people to Rood’s website. See the comment here. The blog advertised by this commenter must not be written by Rood himself. He has better grammar than this. See this strange blog here.

So, then I went to Rood’s own site, which the commenter advertised. I generally leave “biblical characters” like Rood alone. I assume that most of my readers are not attracted to such hype and vanity. But this little incident caused my eye to wander critically upon Rood’s home turf. What do I find? The guy thinks it is the year 6011 (it’s 5771, peeps). I assume he gets this by adding 4,000 to 2011. Does this mean he thinks the Gregorian calendar has it right and just assumes 4,000 years before that the world was created?

Further, he has a video playing on his home page right now. He holds up a Spanish language newspaper, implying it is a headline about himself and a Passover Seder he led last year in Argentina. He rolls his eyes and says it is “unbelievable” the rumor mill about “Rood doing Passover in exile.” He then launches into a strange commercial for a Passover Seder he is doing “in exile” this year in Charlotte, NC. He says, “Folks, this is the closest thing you will see to the marriage supper of the lamb.” There you have it. Want to be at the “marriage supper of the lamb”? Rood will give you the closest thing. Oy. Here is his website.

About Derek Leman

IT guy working in the associations industry. Formerly a congregational rabbi. Dad of 8. Nerd.
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14 Responses to What the Heck, Michael Rood?

  1. James says:

    The guy makes my “spider-sense” tingle. Is that really him dressed like a priest in the photo?

  2. Yeah, that’s him. He frequently dresses as a “biblical character.” He inspires a cadre of people to dress as biblical characters. We’ve had a few visit us over the years. Some people call this “Jerusalem syndrome.” I’ve got nothing against drama when it is done in context (a good stage play). But there is a difference between drama and theatrics, right?


  3. James says:

    But there is a difference between drama and theatrics, right?

    The short answer is “yes”. Anything else that I’m tempted to say would probably sound “snarky” so I’ll stop here. ;-)

  4. benicho says:

    I do believe the photo in the top right hand corner of his website does show him using the same knife that he acquired in boot camp, and he is using it to pry something out of the wailing wall.

    Not to sound off or anything but the whole thing seems a bit staged, doesn’t it? Almost like a dig on the Messianic movement as a whole…

  5. Biblical clothing, hype, and comment spam aside, a bigger issue with Rood is the financial dealings that have gone on over the last 2-3 years. His ministry board caught him doing some shady financial dealings. Twice. After the first time, he split with “A Rood Awakening”. Then a few months ago, it happened again with his new ministry. Both times he’s claimed innocence, but, examining the evidence myself, it looks like he’s guilty.

    For a sample, see Michael Rood Sues Jamie Louis.

    All that said, Rood is currently hospitalized due to stroke, if I’m not mistaken.

  6. By the way, your mentioning Rood comment spam made me remember something … I searched my blog’s comments for similar comment spam, and sure enough, here is one I got from “Erin” last year:

    Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador who waves his tattered red cape in the face of the religious “bull” of his generation. Michael’s television series: “Prepare for A Rood Awakening! from Israel” has been heralded as the most energetic exposition of Scriptural truth to come out of Israel in over a millennium. Accused of “fishing with dynamite” Rood’s ‘no hold barred” approach to the biblical messianic movement [link] leaves the agnostic and atheist begging for relief.

    The above comment was made to a post about gentiles and kosher diet. Considering the off-topic nature of the comment, I suspect it was a copy/paste job, if not automated spam.

  7. drake82dunaway says:

    I’m a gentile. And as a gentile in a Messianic group, I try to stay clear of folks like this. I know my presence is not always welcome in all congregations, so I try to respect my kind hosts and deeply reverence the Torah as well as the rich meaning of their practices.

    Aside from the stigma he puts on goyim like myself… man, this is funny…I feel love and compassion for people like this…

    heh heh.

    BTW: I’m the fellow doing all the Yeshua drawings for Rabbi Leman. I should do a comic short on this, too, when I get my new MAC.

  8. Pingback: What the Heck, Michael Rood? (via Messianic Jewish Musings) « thetruth1964

  9. Seth says:

    Michael Rood is the TBN of Hebrew Roots sensationalism.

  10. Lander Ruddy says:

    Oh boy. Micheal Rood told the truth. It is the closet thing to the marriage supper of the lamb his follower will see. Michael Rood does not believe in the Holy Trinity and is leading his sheep right to hell.

  11. Curious…. does Michael Rood even believe that Jesus is God?

  12. Michael Rood does not believe Jesus is God not does he believe in the trinity. I called his office and asked those specific questions.

  13. Ruth was a gentile. We (the gentiles) were grafted into Isreal as were many of the people in the Bible. Rood knows his history unlike most of you lost sheep.

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